Sunday, February 10, 2008

CHILDSAKE (a referral site for children's books on nature & environment) honors Snowy White World to Save

Striving to make this world a better home for the future of all children....CHILDSAKE inspires and educates children about the natural world and the environment.

"Let a man once begin to think about the mystery of his life and the links which connect him with the life that fills the world, and he cannot but bring to bear upon his own life and all other life that comes within his reach the principle of reverence for life ..."

"Reverence for Life" by Albert Schweitzer


Environmental Themes : Global Warming
Animals : Mammals

This large format picture book with beautiful watercolor illustrations offers young children a glimpse at the Arctic world of the polar bear and the impact of global warming. The short verses vividly depict how a mother bear with her two cubs thrive in this pristine, icy world and hunt for food; but as the ice floes melt, they are forced to seek food from piles of garbage. The book concludes with an upbeat note that kids can take action to save this "snowy white world" of the polar bear, listing a number of simple everyday actions to help stop global warming as well as websites to learn more about this important issue.

To learn more about global warming and polar bears visit:
Polar Bear SOS
NRDC's website on Global Warming
World Wildlife Fund's Polar Bear Tracker, and
BioGems website Polar Bears on Thin Ice to find a Kid's Polar Action Guide.

Grades: Preschool to 2nd